A review by ispeakbooknerd
The Color of the Sun by David Almond


The Color of the Sun by David Almond is set in the town of Tyneside, England. It takes place over the course of one day in the life of Davie, whose father recently passed away. Early in his wanderings of the day, we discover that Jimmy Killen has been murdered.. likely suspect, Zorro Craig. Davie continues to wander about town, passively searching for Zorro Craig.

This is a book about loss, grief, and healing. It's a book about life and death. It's a book about love and hate and war, and how pointless the latter two really are. It brings up questions of spirituality and the afterlife, and about what place a person occupies in the world.

I liked this book. I wouldn't say I was super impressed by it, though. It seems like this book tried to pack a big punch into too quickly paced a story; thus, not quite hitting the point of most significant impact. I do genuinely respect what the author was attempting, though, and appreciate that there -was- some impact. It didn't fully miss the mark, but it could've done better.

I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend this to my friends, but if the description provided in the book blurb piques one's interest, I'd say go for it. It was a quick and easy read, enjoyable enough, and did make some points to make a person ponder the questions asked.