A review by butterbee
Acute Reactions by Ruby Lang


"Remember Lisa Lale’s number one edict from on high? Men are not to be trusted to make a woman happy.” “I have never said that.” “I don’t have my Portable Lisa Lale with me, so it’s not an exact quotation, but I think I’m familiar with a number of variations on this theme.”

Petra is just starting out with her own practice when restaurant-owner Ian comes in for allergy shots. The Hippocratic oath, family, and cat dander come between them as they start to realize how they feel about each other.

I found Petra's internal dialogue about her insecurities a bit overplayed, but I really enjoyed the secondary characters (Kevin!).

"He looked beyond every weird rough surface, every objection, and he still saw her. It wasn’t just charm. He made an effort with her. He probably loved her, too. God, it was frightening."