A review by jeanetterenee
First Girl Scout: The Life of Juliette Gordon Low by Ginger Wadsworth


Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low's life is a wonderful example of how you can find your passion late in life and still make a big difference in the world. She was a very talented and energetic lady, but she frittered away her early years with dilettantism and made a bad marriage that left her widowed but wealthy. It wasn't until she was over fifty that she was inspired by Sir Robert Baden-Powell to bring the Girl Guides program (later renamed Girl Scouts) to the United States. Once she'd finally found her life's purpose, she became a different woman. She was focused and unstoppable, even while battling the cancer that eventually took her life.

This book covers Juliette Gordon Low's entire life. It's full of interesting history, but the first half has almost nothing about Girl Scouts. That's not a criticism of the book, it's just the way Daisy's life unfolded. I do think I would have wanted to know that ahead of time if I'd been handed the book as a youngster. I would have grown impatient wondering when it was going to get to the part about Girl Scouts. Even as an adult I was eager to get to that part, and I enjoyed the second half more than the first.

Ginger Wadsworth has written several other books for young people, and she's also had a lifelong passion for the Girl Scout program. She's done a wonderful job with this biography. It's a must-read for anyone with a fondness for the Girl Scout organization, past and present. It's fun to compare your own experiences with those of the early Girl Scouts with regard to badges earned, service projects, and the uniforms they wore. The book has a lot of photos and copies of documents and advertisements to give you a real feeling for the era.

Juliette Gordon Low was a spirited and liberated woman way ahead of her time who set out to inspire and liberate women for generations to come. She wasn't able to have children of her own, but all of us whose lives were shaped by Girl Scouting are her girls. She really did change the world.