A review by suzannalundale
The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett, Paul Kidby


Gorgeously illustrated, and featuring one of my very favorite denizens of the Discworld - Leonard da Quirm. Also, of course, Ponder Stibbons, the new Head of Inadvisably Applied Magic, and our dear friend Rincewind ["Or there will be a whole string of accidents that end up causing the same thing. Trust me, sir. I know how my life works."] We also enjoy the company of Cohen the Barbarian, with some of his heroing colleagues, as they embark on one last heroic mission for the bards to bard of.

All of this, and a touch of Pratchettian applied theology, too!

Read it. Read it again. Read it out loud to the dog, if your cackles haven't already scared the dog off. Don't bother reading it to the cat. He doesn't care.