A review by michellemm85
The Born Queen by Greg Keyes


3/6 I suppose
I'm glad Anne didn't destroy the world I suppose, though it was a close thing. None of my ships came to be so, I didn't much care towards the end lol. I did like Cape Chavel and Anne went through all the trouble to make him king, so I don't know why she didn't just marry him and then betroth her child to Hansa and instead has to marry the King... ( I get why, I'm just saying lol)
Actually hated Stephen/Black Jester, though I do wish we got to read more of his translations of Virgenya's journal. THAT was interesting at least. Didn't like Aspar either, but him being the new Briar King made sense.
Maybe it was because I was skimming, but did Anne give up all her power? Also, did Austra and Cazio get married? Did Anne make him a duke? I both want to know and at the same time don't care lol
I'm apathetic about this at the moment.
I did like how we never know who was "good" as they were each fighting for their own thing, though I'm sure everyone had the character they were rooting for. Will I read this series again? Probably not, tbh. There were parts that I liked, but there was also parts that were a slog. SO maybe I'd just mark all the parts I liked and only re-read those. I'll keep the books for a little bit and made a determination at a later date lol