A review by eve_prime
Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton

lighthearted medium-paced


Re-read.  This book is such a pleasure.  It's a fantasy novel that's basically a Trollope novel with dragons instead of humans.  Dragons are aristocrats, peasants, parsons, accountants, office clerks, etc.  But they're real dragons.  The males need to be huge, unless they're clergy or peasants, and the way dragons get larger is only by eating dragon flesh.  Aristocrats can cull the litters of their workers (or eat their servants, which is considered bad form), and everyone is entitled to eat their parents after their deaths.

Bon Agornin is dying.  He has five surviving children - one son who's a married parson and another who's a planning official in the city with a live-in partner, one daughter who's married to a jerk, and two unmarried daughters.  After he dies, the jerk takes a huge share of his father-in-law's flesh, leaving barely any for the planning official and the unmarried daughters, who are now going to be relatively poor.  Will the three unmarried dragons find justice and true love?