A review by annebrooke
All You Need is Love by Carole Matthews


This was an okay read, but packed full of cliches. I also really didn't like the heroine who seemed obsessed with money from the start - she really wasn't as much of a superhero as she keeps saying she is! The two men in her life - the adorable Johnnie and the equally adorable Spencer - can definitely do a whole lot better than her. The plot was unbelievable as well.

On the plus side, I thought her son Charlie and his naughty best friend Kyle were fabulous - and I wish the book had been about them. I also think it's great to have working-class heroines, and we need more of them (just not THIS one!) - but on my copy both the blurb and the posh picture cover don't convey any of that - and that REALLY annoyed me!