A review by jobinsonlis
50 Gay and Lesbian Books Everybody Must Read by Richard Canning


I'm a little on the fence about this book. I read it pretty quickly and thought about it when I wasn't reading it so it certainly managed to entertain me. However I did have some major problems. One, I'm annoyed that it only covers fifty books (some of which don't even qualify as actual novels). I have tons of books about book and they generally keep the minimum at a cool hundred. I have a hard time believing that there are just so few good gay-themed books in the world. Second, the essays covering the novels are all written by different people and the quality of the writing sometimes changes drastically from essay to essay. It would have been nice if some of the authors had been less concerned about their individual craft and more concerned about the book they were trying to sell me on. Third, and I know this is petty, but there are definitely fewer lesbian-themed books covered. Come on, guys, share the love a little. This book was fun and it made me want to read some stuff I'd never heard of before, but honestly I think they could have done better. And the new cover sucks.