A review by hades9stages
Macbeth by William Shakespeare


Macbeth stands as a powerful tragedy within the realm of English literature, captivating audiences for centuries with its dramatic plot and haunting themes. Written during the early 17th century, Shakespeare's genius unfolds in this tale of ambition, prophecy, and unchecked power.

My English teacher in year 9 was obsessed with watching this film, mostly because she didn't like teaching us (or anyone). I think by the end of the year we had watched this play at least about 8 or 9 times. We didn't do a single lesson or essay on Macbeth, and she never explained to us what was going on or being said. Most people think I'm exaggerating when I talk about this, but I'm not. Anyone who knows her had the same experience.

I think she got fired halfway through the year when I got to year 10, a few months before I did my English GCSE (Which in my school you did the entire course in one year, so in year 11 you can do another GCSE). Of course, after not having a proper English lesson since year 8, I failed my English GCSE. I chose to go to advanced maths after-school clubs instead of going to the critical English catchup lessons my school enforced on us. How times change!

Anyway, enough about that.

The play, set in medieval Scotland, chronicles the rise and fall of the titular character, Macbeth, a brave warrior whose encounter with witches sparks an insatiable thirst for power. Influenced by ambition and the prophecies foretold by the witches, Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, spiral into a vortex of betrayal, guilt, and madness as they navigate a path strewn with betrayal and moral decay.

The play delves into themes of unchecked ambition, fate versus free will, and the consequences of moral transgression, evoking a sense of foreboding and tragedy that lingers long after the final act. The play's exploration of the human condition, the allure of power, and the psychological complexity of its characters continue to resonate with audiences worldwide. Countless stage productions, films, novels, and artworks have drawn inspiration from the play, complex characters, and profound themes embedded within Macbeth.