A review by sjgomzi
The Sound of Broken Ribs by Edward Lorn


4.5 *’s You do not want to be a character trapped in an Edward Lorn story. And don’t get too attached to anyone because Lorn will go-oh! You like this one-bang! Dead! Oh you think this one’s safe-bang! Dead! I loved the enormous unpredictability of it all. Every time I wrongfully thought I had a handle on where we were heading, the story would do a 360 and go off in new directions. Chock full of broken characters caught in crazy as shit situations digging themselves into deeper and deeper holes. Lorn mixes in some wicked ass humor in the midst of all the despair and I found myself laughing more than once at some pretty grim material. This was a hell of a page turner! I was already a fan after reading Fog Warning, and absolutely love Lorn’s style of throw everyone off the cliff-scorched earth brand of writing. Can’t wait to read more!