A review by chazmo1431
A Book of Bones by John Connolly


My first thought going into A Book of Bones was, “What’s could be better than a new Charlie Parker thriller? A big fat, looooong Charlie Parker thriller.” Following hot on the heels of this thought, came the old adage of being careful what you wish for.

If you have read any of the Charlie Parker novels then you will be familiar with Louis and Angel and the way the author melds the supernatural (with excellent research) with the thriller aspect of the story and - guess this is my one critique - it was way to heavy on the history more so than usual and it made me "skip" a little which I don't like to do. Huge fan and enjoy the verbal sparring and sarcastic descriptions which never fail to put a smile on my face. Charlie Parker doesn't feature much in the book, nor do Louis and Angel, which is my reasoning for the low rating.