A review by reydeam
Diary of a Single Wedding Planner by Violet Howe


I picked up this book because it was free. I figured, why not? I'm quite glad that I decided to download the ebook.

Diary of a Single Wedding Planner is a fairly predictable book. It follows somewhat of a standard formula for a romance book. But, it was fun, and pretty darn clean, and fun, and spoke truth instead of fairy tale nonsense, and it was fun. It really was a fun book laced with humor that was easily and quickly read.

Yes, it has some clichés . And yes, it all works out. In this case, all of that didn't matter. The characters are likable and with flaws. The storyline fits real life, it's plausible. The protagonist is hurting, she still is recovering from a relationship that ended abruptly which caused damage to her being. She gives us a glimpse of the grief involved, and the path she takes to help herself move forward and beyond. It's a fairly accurate portrayal of rebuilding life, figuring out who you are, and trying to get over a lost love. But can she get over her lost love? She doesn't know. Confusion about love and who she loves is well written. Advice given to her is spot on and frankly that surprised me. The advice given spoke about how relationships are hard work which involves sacrifice, selflessness, and choosing to love. Relationships are intentional and active rather than passive. The advice is deep, and issues at hand are deep, but the story overall is not deep. Such is life, for the most part. We can't all be profound, now can we?

This is not about a prince rescuing the maiden type story. It's about rocky relationships, finding oneself, building friendships, selflessness and love. It's life with cliches and stupid phrases and humor. It's not a wow book, or one that will necessarily stick with me. It is a good story that was very enjoyable to read. I was entertained.

Diary of a Single Wedding Planner is the first book in a series. I'm not sure I want to read the next book, I worry that it will turn into a sappy, sexual and very predictable romance book. Part of me wants to leave well enough alone. But, the curious side of me will most likely pick up the next book, and hopefully the characters will stay true to this first book. Hopefully the next book will continue down the path of a fun book that stays honest to the realness of life (with maybe a few clichés).