A review by bookswithbrittanica
Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive by Stephanie Land


I waited a few months for this audiobook, and boy do I regret wasting 8 hours of my life on this. I almost DNF'd this so many times just out of pure frustration.
Let me just say, I was expecting this to be about a Latinx woman working as a maid, working hard as f**k in America and defying the odds. I wanted this story! But no. This is about a grown ass white woman who apparently has no other skills than cleaning toilets?

I know this is essentially, a memoir, but the life choices this woman made was downright FRUSTRATING. I don't get to tell people how to run their life and spend their money, but really. She constantly complains to everyone around her about how terrible her life is without doing anything to better her situation. 'I work 25 hours a week as a professional cleaner and still can't pay the bills." WAA!

Yeah, this is AMERICA. No one can pay their damn bills working only 25 f**king hours a week. I couldn't afford to live anywhere in my state working on 25 hours a week. "Oh, but I have a child so childcare inhibits my working hours!" Do you know how many single mothers I know personally who helped raise me who worked multiple jobs to take care of their kids? Seriously. Get a real job and stop complaining. You're like 28 and you have NO OTHER skills?? Like you can't work at a grocery store or a department store or a freaking Target full-time and make benefits? Some grocery stores pay better than my job in Finance!! Jesus. She kept working this part time cleaning job, as a white woman who speaks perfect English. You can literally work almost anywhere. You are not limited to this job!!

This was just infuriating. On top of the fact that she chose to have her child (which I totally get) but then ropes the dad into spending time with her and paying for her when he specially said he's not interested in having a kid with her or ever, and made that CRYSTAL clear. And yet she's like "I dunno why he doesn't wanna see her." He doesn't want a damn kid and yet you force him to be a dad when he said NO repeatedly and he's lowkey abusive!??

Or the fact that she dates people just to live with them and mooch off of them and then is like ohhh I'm so independent? Ugh. I'm being harsh but this was such an infuriating 8 hours.