A review by snarkymotherreader
Shades of Wicked by Jeaniene Frost


I never wanted a story about Ian.

He was a fun side character, but he was TOO MUCH:

Too smarmy.
Too uninhibited.
Too wild.

I never wanted a story about Veritas, either.

She was possibly the most boring character sprinkled throughout the Night Huntress series, and I couldn't figure out WHY she kept popping up. What could she possibly have to offer??

This book showed me how foolish I was.

The first two chapters were a bit stilted, but once the plot took off, it TOOK OFF. Ian's transformation from a walking STD to a man who hid his true strengths underneath sexual energy was smooth and flawless. Veritas' unmasking showed depth in a character who I would have sworn was made out of cardboard.

By the end of this book, I was clutching my imaginary pearls and begging for it to not be over. Then I read the epilogue and my heart exploded into a million tiny gleeful pieces.

Frost truly is a master at creating unique, inventive characters out of the shells of common paranormal romance tropes.