A review by blodeuedd
Not All Bastards Are from Vienna by Andrea Molesini


Another book that I could not put down, and thanks to daylight savings time I did have that extra hour so yes I read for hours again.

The book begins in Italy 1917. The aristocratic Spada family's villa will soon be overrun. War is hell, soldiers are animals, and still are. What is wrong with some men?

But the book never got dark. I would not exactly call it light, but it had this feeling of hope. I would credit that to the main person Paolo, he was 17, but he still had hope of a future without war. He still has time to fall in love, or lust with someone. And his light makes the book lighter.

He lives with his quirky grandparents. His gran takes lovers, his granpa quotes Buddha. Then there Aunt Maria who rules. There are 3 servants, and beautiful Giulia. And of course different occupants of the villa.

They are all trying to go on as normal, live their lives, but as the invaders show their ruthlessness they all want to do something about it.

Such a good, and well written book. The words just flow by, light, easy to read and a book that you just can not put down.

And as it is a translation, I say that it's a well done translation too.

I'd recommend it.