A review by sungold
Rainbirds by Clarissa Goenawan


This book is, without doubt, a perfect bridge between Murakami and writers of similar flare but lesser status. Rainbirds, Clarissa Goenawan's first published book, reads much like a Murakami: abstract titles, complex relationships to strangers, familiar thematic elements (younger women with older men; youth abusing drugs and/or alcohol; strained family ties; supernatural interference)... With so much reminiscent of Murakami, the one piece that I felt could have been more embellished was the primary character's relationship to the stranger that visits his dreams. When one writes like a great, one must perform like that great; regardless of how Goenawan would like her work to be judged, Murakami is the standard she will be judged by.

Great read overall. Very pleased. Would recommend.