A review by hallemarie00
Charlotte Temple by Susanna Haswell Rowson


The best part about this book was that it gave me a lot of strong feelings, but unfortunately all of those feelings were bad. There's so much to talk about regarding how awful this book is but I'm gonna keep it short.

The character who is the worst person ever and should clearly be the main antagonist is treated like a morally upstanding guy by the author even though he kidnaps the main character, takes her across the ocean to America, gets bored of her because she's sad that she's been kidnapped, and then LEAVES to marry a different woman he's met in America EVEN THOUGH the main character is pregnant with his child.

This book is about parental/filial love. Do you want to know how I know this? No problem, this author is very into interjecting herself into the narrative. "Oh my friends, as you value your eternal happiness, wound not, by thoughtless ingratitude, the peace of the mother who bore you," this sentence continues on for 7 more lines. I'm not exaggerating.

@ my American Lit professor: If this book was originally published in England, can it really be considered America's first best seller? Also and more importantly, why did you make me read this.