A review by melindamoor
The Bachelors by E.S. Carter


2 disappointed stars

This book started out so promising: a light and fun romp and quite a fresh take on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice with the genders swapped and the tables turned. It is the Bennet sisters who roll in cold, hard cash, while brothers Darcy, Bing and Wick have financial difficulties and embarrassing parents.

The characterisation was a bit muddled from the beginning to my liking: the author tried to turn Darcy into a male Elizabeth Bennet while also retaining some of his "usual" character traits and vice versa. The result was a bit messy.
Also our Elizabeth-turned-into-a-female-Darcy was presented to both Darcy and the reader as a total cow, and it was difficult to believe that Darcy-turned-into-a-male-Elizabeth was attracted to her right from the start (or even later).
Still I was willing to give their unconvincing attraction a benefit of the doubt and quite enjoyed it all into 40% of the story.

From there on things took a nosedive. The narrative just turned into an overindulgence in vulgarity. Apparently all secondary characters were thrown in so that Elizabeth and her best buddie, Pemberly (no kidding), Lydia and
Spoilera homosexual
Spoilersetting his sight and other appendix on Darcy
could cuss each other and everyone else around them to their hearts' content with the most obscene language imaginable. Apparently they all had a difficult childhood, poor rich kids and stuff, so they are entitled to do so -yeah, yeah, just whom are we bullshitting here?
Of course (?) Darcy-Elizabeth didn't bat an eyelid and found all the filth and muck his ladylove threw at him utterly irresistible and hilarious. *SIGH*

I made myself finish the book, but it all left a bad taste in my mouth.

Apart from the obscene language, there are some very heavy innuendos and some more or less explicit sex scenes.

I don't really recommend it to Pride and Prejudice fans or readers who like their JA FanFic nice and clean.

ARC received from the Publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.