A review by jayvall
When You Least Expect It by Whitney Gaskell


WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT started out lukewarm and never really heated up. The premise, an infertile couple finds a down-on-her-luck pregnant woman and takes her in with the intention of adopting her baby, is one that should provide a treasure trove of issues to deal with. Instead, however, the conflict presented here was easily resolved.

What detracted most from the story, for me, was the cast of characters. From India to Jeremy to Lainey to Jeremy’s brother and sister-in-law, I found them all one-dimensional and unbelievable. I couldn’t understand why Lainey would be so willing to give her baby up for adoption, though I realize it’s a choice women make daily. I don’t judge her for her choice—I just didn’t understand why she made that choice. I also found Jeremy’s brother and sister-in-law to be beyond annoying, though I suspect they were deliberately crafted that way. I never warmed up to any of the characters, and as a result, I didn’t really care about the outcome.

Had this been written by a lesser author, I might have been willing to give the story more of a pass, but Gaskell’s previous books have all been homeruns, while I feel like this one was just phoned in. WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT was a real disappointment and much less than I have come to expect from Whitney Gaskell.

Originally posted on romancereaderatheart.com