A review by xmagicanderson
The World of Null-A by A.E. van Vogt


A man with exceptional capabilities searching for his identity and figuring out his special role in the fight between big opposing world views/systems of logic.

The World of Null-A is a fast-paced read and has a somewhat good flow, but I wasn't always excited to pick it up. Sure, I wanted to know what will happen next but it was mostly out of curiosity (because the ideas were really good) and not the enjoyment of reading if that makes sense. There were a lot of interesting and cool concepts here but I think the superhero-type plot just did not work for me. It almost felt like I was reading a cartoon that maybe some may find actually entertaining. Too bad for me though, as I really wanted to like this more than I did because of van Vogt's impact on one of my fave authors, PKD. 3 stars for now but I will still try his other works in the future.