A review by thegraduatedbookwormblogger
In the Key of Nira Ghani by Natasha Deen


Full Review can be found at Http://www.thegraduatedbookworm.com

First, I'd like to thank Hachette Books Canada for sending me a copy in exchange for a review! Honestly, this book was so hilarious and light-hearted, I really was sucked in from the first page!

Right from the beginning you get drawn into Nira and her family and life. It's no secret that she comes from a family that's not the "ordinary" family you would normally see, however, she definitely tries to make it more of a normal life experience now that her family moved to Canada... Even if it doesn't always work out in her favour.

Growing up, I could totally relate to Nira in some ways, because we all just want to fit in. We all want to be part of the "cool crowd" even if that's not who we are inside. We all want to look into the mirror and be happy with the clothes we have, even if what everyone else has seems to be even better. The relationship that she also has with her family--Especially her grandmother!-- you can relate to in any family. Although the amount of diversity that's within the novel is amazing, when you come down to it, anyone can relate to this book from something. I personally loved the fact that her story wasn't like the rest. It played on a diverse family, and definitely a unique one at that, and it was really enjoyable!

Overall, this was a pretty great read! I really loved the multitude of characters, backgrounds, and the fact that some of the characters straight up told Nira what's up. She really grew from the beginning to end, and I think this is definitely a book that's worth reading!