A review by cheriseisabella
My Friend Anne Frank: The Inspiring and Heartbreaking True Story of Best Friends Torn Apart and Reunited Against All Odds by Hannah Pick-Goslar


‘Only those who have lived this can understand what we went through,’ Mr Frank said.

I just finished this book and I'm crying tears of anger and tears of joy. Anger because everytime I read about the holocaust I cannot believe that human beings were so cruel and inhumane to each other. Tears of joy because I am so glad that after all Hitler tried to do to eradicate an entire race of people we have stories like this to reflect on and get to experience the true atrocities and amazing survival stories of WW2.
I first heard about Hannah Goslar when I watched the Netflix movie of this same name and at the time she was still alive. I was so sad to read of her passing in this beautifully written book. It was such an experience to read her story and for all that she went through was able to live a long full life of love, joy and happiness. I got to experience her love for Anne and their love for each other even when Anne was in hiding and Hannah was losing her family one by one.
One of the things I loved in the afterword was when it was revealed how Hannah and her sister said that they large family of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren is their revenge on Hitler. I heard those words spoken already in the documentary called The Last Days and they stuck with me because it made me smile with tears rimming my eyes.
I can truly say that Otto Frank was absolutely correct when he said unless you went through what they did you will never understand. However, I want to say the holocaust is something that should never be forgotten and thanks to stories like Hannah, like Anne and so many others it will not be. It will not only be remembered as a time of hatred, death and terrifying acts of inhumanity but also as a time of survival, random acts of kindness and the beautiful friendship of these two women. Because although Hannah outlived her best friend by so many years she never forgot her and the other friends she also lost.
Phew this was a long review but thank you to Dina Kraft for this beautiful story of the wonderful, brave, strong and beautiful Hannah Goslar.