A review by kidisitor
Whispers and the Roars by K Webster


First and foremost... it's best if you go into this book not knowing a thing about it!!! Honestly, it will ruin the whole thing if you read spoilers.

This is not your typical romance. Yes, it's dark. It's intense. It's sad. It's heart wrenching and heart breaking. This book is not about the boy getting the girl. This book is about what the boy will do to keep the girl. The girl was physically and sexually abused by her father when she was a child and has demons. The boy helps her fight those demons. There is a big twist about 60-70% into the book that will totally blow you away. (Also the reason you want to go into this with no knowledge.) There will be triggers for some people... in addition to the abuse mentioned. This book is eye opening, intriguing, very captivating. Until you get to the twist, there may be bits that leave you confused, as some things are not fully explained until that point, but then it will all come together and you'll probably want to go back and re-read parts just to think, "Ahhhh, yes. It all makes since now." The boy is so mentally strong and has such acceptance and open-mindedness in regards to the girls demons, you really appreciate him. Although this is a darker read, it's really thought provoking, and while dark subject matters in romances may not be everyone's cup of tea, I think many people who may prefer rom-coms can appreciate and enjoy this book. It is definitely something different than most books. It's not about the sex and trying to hook up. It's not even about the chase. It's about holding on to what you have that enhances your life and letting go of what hinders your life... and the journey there. I would definitely recommend this for mature readers.