A review by mimirtells
Prince of Stories: The Many Worlds of Neil Gaiman by Christopher Golden, Hank Wagner, Stephen R. Bissette, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman


4/5 Stars (%83/100)

Since I planned to use the book for my thesis, the most important thing for me was its usefulness. Indeed, I found most of the chapters in the book useful and relevant to my argument, especially regarding American Gods and Anansi Boys. However, this is a very long book compared to other anthologies about Gaiman. This is why I felt lost from time to time and would have preferred if some parts were shorter. Also, there were some chapters that were not useful to me. Overall, I liked the book and would recommend it to people who plan to study or research Gaiman. There are, arguably, better books to be familiar with Gaiman's style and works. This one is not for everyone.