A review by crtsjffrsn
Christmas Kitsch by Amy Lane


Rusty Baker has led what many would think is a charmed life. Coming from an affluent family and being an integral part of the football team in high school, he never really wanted for anything. But when he becomes friends with Oliver Campbell, he quickly learns there is a lot in life that he may have been missing--including knowledge about who he is. With Oliver's help, Rusty tries his hardest to continue down the path his family has set for him, but he struggles knowing it's not really who he wants to be...and that what he truly wants out of life might just be to spend it with Oliver.

Another charming story from Amy Lane. I absolutely adored Oliver and he was a bit of a saint putting up with Rusty and being patient with him while he sorted everything out. As is the tendency with Ms. Lane's novels, I felt like this ran a bit long and could have been paced a bit more quickly, but it's still definitely worth a read.