A review by kblincoln
Reach for You by Pat Esden


I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

In this third installment of the Dark Heart series, Annie has just had to leave her love/half-ifrit Chase back in the realm of the djinn after a failed attempt to save her mother.

She's back in Moonhill and trying to find Lotli, the shamaness who got them to the realm with her magic flute, and figure out what her cousin Selena's boyfriend is mixed up in.

There's skulking around in shady clubs, another encounter with Chase's mother, and a betrayal that will put Annie in danger of losing Chase's love, just when he needs it the most.

Since they're separate for most of the book, it wasn't until they saw eachother again that I realized I was speeding through the suspenseful action of the rescue mission to finally experience their sweet interactions again. I love how Chase is a slave-warrior but totally open about his feelings for Annie.

The ending was very sastisfying, even Chase's half-brother, just barely introduced in the second book gets some interesting developments. Of course, Malphic ends the book with a cryptic pronouncement that leaves Esden open for yet another round of interesting adventures with (hopefully hot) djinn. As each book in this series got better and better, its definitely worth reading all the way through to Reach For You :) If only for the risque jelly donut references :)