A review by beelzebubbie
The Man Without Talent by Yoshiharu Tsuge


I’m giving this 3 stars because the art was beautiful - the shapes of the stones, the silhouettes of birds. But god, how is THIS true that the autobiographical woe-is-me middle-aged man pity fest is such a category in comics? The obsession with self worth in the age of capitalism, the hyper-critical and self-conscious elitist false humility of ego-death. But mostly what got me was the dehumanizing misogyny. We have barely 3 women, and one is a devious slut, while the other two are materialistic, money-obsessed nags who make their husbands miserable and have no personalities whatsoever. Women are sexual objects or, as wives, exist only as the banes of their husbands existence. Urk, it’s so basic and gross, though as this is from the 80s maybe this book is a pioneer of the basic and gross in the pity-me man manga genre. Okay, diatribe over & out.