A review by amyiw
Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That?: And Other Reflections on Being Human by Jesse Bering


3 1/2- 4
Interesting little tidbits on sex, sex parts, sexuality- fetishes, orientation (including asexual), monogamy, orgasm, etc...-, suicide, laughter, green burial, etc... Really the book is a bunch of speeches or essays that were put together, so the book ends in one topic and then goes off into another, maybe related or loosely related topic, maybe not so much related topic. I think it might be called scientific researched based theories on sex, life and death. In his theories he quotes studies and his own experiences. They are quite interesting, some have the eww factor, but many had a humorous over arc. Since his own experiences come from being a gay atheist, you hear this many times, letting the reader or listener know that that is the direction he is looking at this or that issue from. Each essay, or topic, kept my interest but I could easily put down the book in between. A good book to read over several days and read 1/2 hour at a time.