A review by africreole
Without Limits by Nicole Morgan


A well rounded mix of stories

There is something for everyone in this anthology of books cover all kinds of romance sub genres. The majority of the books were very good and others just barely held my attention. The following is what my opinion is.

Cinderella's Prince by Stacy-Deanne
✱✱✱ Did not hold my attention
The storyline has been done to death, Hollywood stars wanting what they can’t have and spoiled starlettes.Has been model trying to salvage her career and resisting playboy men and their casting couches. Then gives in to her desires. Things started off slow but ended with an HEA.

The Baby Bargain by Stephanie Morris
✱✱✱✱ A dream come true
Sage was at a point in her life that she realized that she was bad with relationships. Orrick Waterhouse was 42 and had started evaluating his life. He too di not do relationships well and was easily bored with the women he had come across in his life. He needed children to pass his wealth on to. Hence, his visit to the fertility where he met Sage Miller. She was the perfect candidate for a surrogate to him. He had to persuade her of this and that he did. The contract would help Sage is many ways. But months into the contract nothing happened. They both realized they needed more and decided to make a go of a real relationship. With all of the pressure of a contract off the table, things progress quickly for both of them.

The Descendants by Angela Kay Austin
✱✱✱✱ A very well done story
I’m no normally a paranormal readers but I do like SiFi. I enjoyed the plot of an old witches’ coven that has survived the Civil War and before with old traditions from Mother Africa. Their job is to protect the weak and needy during the Jim Crow Era of the U.S. But there is one among them that wants revenge and the power. This story kept my attention from beginning to end.

Fort Knox by Tiana Laveen
✱✱✱✱ I just love this author
Bankrobber ex-con Knox Wolfe and a has been child star Tina Rochelle could not stand each other on first meeting. She thought he was a no good jobless redneck who would cause her property values to decrease and he thought she was an arrogant snobbish so and so with a stick up her arse. It was not until she was caught accidently spying him in his bedroom from her kitchen window in all his birthday suit glory that all hell broke loose. They were able to put their animosity aside to get to know each other. They both had troubled childhoods. Even though the causes were different, the pain they felt was real to them. The became each other’s support mechanism and encouraged each other to follow their dreams. This was a sweet love story of a very unlikely pair.

Highland Jax by LaVerne Thompson
✱✱✱✱ An interesting story with a twist
When 27 yr old youngling white witch Serissa Helstrom allowed her best friend Avery Remond to persuade her to try out for the reality TV bachelor show, she was not counting on fallin in love with the sunwalker vampire Jax Buchannan, the bachelor on the T show. He was entranced by her jovial personality months before be met her and just had to meet her and used the TV show to do it. With unexpected turn of the plot and spells cast and and cleansed, they finally were able to get their HEA for an eternity of sunwalking.

This story was well done. I enjoyed reading the twist in this original story as I am a fan of reading stories done by LaVerne Thompson.

Bad Boss by Lolah Lace
✱✱ Did not hold my attention
This topic of the boss an personal assistant has been done to death. The only thing I really like about this story is the dealing with sexual harassment in the work place. Andrew’s mother was a very interesting woman as well. I liked her candid honesty with her son

The Colors of Love by Breanna Hayse
✱✱✱ Second chance at love
Quinton Moore broke Lisel Jones’ heart three years ago and she never forgave him. With her father’s death, he was back in her life as orchestrated by her deceased father. Her father, Tori Jone was just like a father to him and the would do anything to honor the memory of the only man he considered a father. He also needed the time to persuade Lisel that he was in no condition three years ago. To love her as he should. He also made sure that no one would cause any harm or take advantage of her now that her father was gone, and that included the mother that abandon her years ago. I just love reading how karma can be a bitch to those that deserve it.

Hierarchy by Lori Titus
✱✱ Hindsight is 20/ 20
Sasha and Luc have been exes for several years now. Both have gone on with their lives. Both have had time to think about what went wrong in their relationship. They were both young and made a rash split decision to break up listening to other people and not fighting harder to work through their problems. Neither set of parents cared of for them dating each other. Now that time has gone by, they can think about their relationship without the heat of anger and realized that they still love each other and are mature enough to be together regardless of what others think.
This short story did not hold my attention. The plot of it was too common and overdone. I like to read stories with drama with some mystery and maybe some action. This story had none of that.

Securing Mika by Sydney Aaliyah Michelle
✱✱✱✱✱ I hated how this one ended
I love the plot, drama and action to this story. I just hated the way it ended. Sounds like another part to me. There was too much left hanging in the air unresolved. I love the way Sydney Aaliyah Michelle writes, so I’m hoping there is a continuation of this story.

Conor Branson, CEO of Invincible Security was hired to protect Mika Thompson while she was visiting her father Victor Thompson while in Columbia, a man Mika really did not know but wanted to have a relationship after her mother died. All Mika, a twenty two year old graduate student, wanted was to matter to someone. Even though Conor was thirteen years her senior, they clicked. He would ddo anything to make sure she was safe, even if it meant he’d sacrifice himself to do it. The only thing I did not like about this story is the way they referred to each other. To her, he was her daddy, and to him she was either his little girl or his baby girl. To me, that just borders on pseudo pedophilia. I never understood the concept of an adult woman referring to her love interest as daddy.

Scorned by Donna R. Mercer
✱✱✱✱✱ She’s an independent strong black woman
Ebony thought she was stood up from a date with a guy she’d met and talked to for several months from a dating site. Turns out she was catfished and the real guy whose identity that was stolen fell in love with her. There was one problem, his controlling Greek mother. Demetrius Papadakis wanted to find out who stole his identity with the help of his cousin Titus. That is where the plot took a strange twist but Demetrius got the girl and their HEA anyway.
I love to read romance stories that are well plotted and executed with lots of drama, some action and mystery. This story had a plot twist that caught me off guard and I loved it. I especially loved how his mother and her intended for him walked in on them in the shower. I can just see the expression on their faces in my mind’s eye. Well done Donna Mercer. This was my first story read by you and I will most definitely find more.

Back to Black by Kyoko M
✱✱✱ Scorned and mistrusted but she does not give up
Seer and demon slayer Jordan Amador is separated from her husband, the archangel Michael and the other angels believed she betrayed them when archdemon Belial invaded her sleep and torturing her in her dreams trying to steal her soul. She misses her best friend Archangel Gabriel, who has been ordered by the Father not to have contact with her because of her transgression. She is depressed and at the end of her rope in loneliness. She friended and was saved by a new seer Myra Bennett and her hellhound Ace, who persuaded her to help her whip out a nest of demons and free some innocent people.

I could not get into this story. The best parts were Jordan and Myra’s relationship with each other. Action got interesting when Belial entered Jordan’s dreams and their interactions to each other. I just don’t like the demon thing. The story did not explain exactly why Jordan fell out of favor or why Michael left her and did not even try to work out their marriage or understand what happened. He just abandoned her like her threw he out with the trash, never to be seen again.

Love's Taken Over by Michelle De Leon
✱✱✱✱ The lonely widower and the women he did not know he needed.
Opia Babbett aka Emerson Isles was a 16 yr old mother forced into a closed adoption of her baby daughter which broke her heart and force all of her attention in her acting career. Ten years later when her selfish baby daddy threatened her daughters happy life, she did what she needed to do to protect her baby and her adoptive father, Jacobi Jansen. Neither Jacobi nor Emerson expected to recapture the family life that all three needed.
This was a sweet romantic story that was well plotted and written using drama to keep my attention for the beginning to end. This was my first read by his author. I will probably look for more books by her.

Forever Mine by J.L. Campbell
✱✱✱ A sweet love story
This was an easy read love story with a little bit of drama. Both Scott and Shevaughn were very leery about getting into a long term relationship. Shevaughn was a divorcee from a controlling man and Scott had his heart broken by a scheming lying woman.It was not until they got to know each other oer a period of time that they both realizedd they wanted more. That is what I liked the most about this story, they took their time before submitting to each other.

Lucas by Siren Allen
✱✱✱ Forgiveness heals all wounds
Soul snatcher Dreya Odili had to forgive her mate Dr. Lucas Bayne, a half wolf half vampire for what he did to her. He was lied to. Even though the Bayne brothers were cursed, the forgiveness was a much for her as it was for Luca for punishing her for what he perceived happened. The witches coven duped them all.

This story started off rather typical as paranormal stories go, but ended with a lot off action. I still don’t understand why the witches did what they did. This genre of stories is just not my forte so that may be why.

Never Walk Away by Dahlia DeWinters
✱✱✱ When communication fails
Zoe was used to one night stands. So when her replacement bass player Salem entered her life, she was shaken by their chemistry and attraction to each other. But someone else had other ideas which caused Zoe to react before finding out the details or at least talk to Salem before coming to decisions about their relationship.r

I could not get into this story. It did not hold my attention. Not enough drama to me.

Law of April by Suzanne Jenkins
✱✱✱✱ It takes a village
April Beaulieu had a hard life from an early age taking care of her two younger sister along with her brother Jake. Being children of an alcoholic mother cause she and Jake to grow up before their time. April had her goals set and she was not going to let anything stop her no matter how hard she worked. She had no time for friends or a love life until she came to work for her boss Ryan Lawson. Then everything changed for her.

This was a heart wrenching as well a heartwarming story about how alcoholism affects everyone in a family. Heart warming because if was that same family the gave Nancy Earle the impetus to seek treatment with the help of Ryan. With the family surrounding and loving and supporting each other, all dreams can be achieved.