A review by mrsbooknerd
Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris


I had very few expectations of this novel with regard to the plot, writing style or the general construction. Any expectations that I did have were inferred from the blurb which suggested a crime novel dealing with an abusive relationship. 'Behind Closed Doors' certainly surpassed any expectations that I did have, with a very unique plot and genuinely chilling moments. The whole book was uncomfortable to read, not because it was 'bad' but because the subject was genuinely tense and frustrating and very 'good'. Every disturbing element translated so well from the page that it tickled my creepy-meter.

The plot grabbed hold of me from page one and dragged me along for the ride. The contrast between past and present really added a depth to the story-telling. Events in the present would be explained without contex. The context was eventually given in the 'Past' chapters, but they wouldn't necessarily come directly after, so there was often a wait for the reveal which built tension.

Where other novels of a similar theme can often be eye-rollingly dramatic and frustrating to read, I found this novel all the more terrifying because it was all so calm. Jack was so stunningly composed and collected and so subtle in his manipulations that it felt like it could happen to anyone. The introduction of Millie was so minor, and seemed to have no impact on the plot, but it became the key element that kept Grace to heel.

I felt like Jack was well-written and super-villainy but he wasn't the deepest of characters. Though he explained his motivations I didn't really feel that he was given enough page space to really get into his mind.
It also took me a while to warm to Grace because I felt that she was a bit too submissive and insipid at the start. She didn't seem to want to fight, and it was only as I delved into the past that I came to understand why, this also made her 'come back' all the more impacting. I just wished that she'd had a little more fight and a little more sass.

While I loved the impact of the plot, I sometimes felt that the writing style was a tad too formal and structured. The dialogue especially felt formal and unnatural. It felt as though I were reading a story that had been written with the purpose of being read, and not a natural story that I happened to be reading. If that makes any sense.

I loved how unique and chilling this novel was, and all the nuances and subtlety that made it all the more powerful. I would recommend and would absolutely read another by B.A. Paris.