A review by shonaningyo
Wet Moon Vol. 1: Feeble Wanderings by Sophie Campbell


I don't think I've read something quite like this in awhile.

The whole story seems to be a mix-match of different storytelling elements. At times a story seems to be developing, but then it takes a time out for some pointless vignette for the sake of mood-setting. It takes its own sweet time getting where it wants to go while casually dropping hints and curious pieces that make the reader wonder if they'll be addressed in the forthcoming pages, or if it's simply the set-up for something grander in scope beyond the volume itself.

What strikes me as very different from lots of other things I've read is how "real" these characters are. We like to read and write about characters that are likable in some way, or relatable, or at least a tiny bit charismatic so that their flaws can be forgiven because they turn out to be entertaining.

These are the most average characters I've ever seen, and I mean that in a good way. What people always tell budding writers to do is to create a character that's interesting and different and unique. Technically all of the characters in this comic are different and unique but they are not outstandingly so. I've seen and experienced the attitudes, behaviors, and fashion choices of these "types" of characters before, whether in real life or in other mediums of entertainment.

These are girls who are caught in-between trying to be cool and trying to be themselves. They want to distance themselves from their town's barely hidden trailer trash and rusty junkie roots, but their own personal weaknesses--eating habits, weight issues, crassness, irritability, jealousy--are a great contrast from the star-studded model protagonists that usually grace the front covers of YA novels.

These people are not glamorous by conventional standards or even by their subculture's standards: The female lead is a fat goth and one of her friends is rockin' a non-binary-butch-lesbian-with acne trouble look and deep down they know that they're not a kind of person that has "all eyes on them" when they walk into the room. Some parts of them care and want to be accepted and considered attractive while other parts of them don't care and would rather be who they want.

This story also departs from the standard narrative that like to glamorize LGBT relationships. Not all couples consist of physically fit/gorgeous guys and gals that are just as attractive to straight people as they are "supposed" to be to the same sex they're trying to attract. The representation of the "less desirable"--the fat, pudgy, awkward, and a bit emotionally immature--are front and center in this story.

Hopefully the mystery bits that were dropped throughout the story come to fruition in the next volume, which I'll be sure to read when I get the chance.