A review by sp3cia1j
Faithful by Alice Hoffman


I received an advanced copy of this book courtesy of NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

Once I started reading this book, I tore through it in just two days. It sucks you in immediately, and the writing is simple, but just hypnotizing enough to keep you turning the (virtual) pages.

Although this story is about many things, the story that resonated with me the most is the relationship between Shelby and her mother. It brought me to tears many times, and although Sue might not have been the most well developed character, I didn't even care.

I did really love this book and would recommend it to anyone, but I do have a small qualm about Shelby. Contrary to what the beginning of the book would lead you to believe, she was a little too pure and genuine and "perfect" for much of the book. I was expecting her to do more things wrong or for her past to haunt her more. But again, small qualm.