A review by lookhome
Abandon the Old in Tokyo by Yoshihiro Tatsumi


Dark. Very dark.
Darkly humorous and memorable in a way that many contemporary authors hope to be.
Tatsumi attempts to make us realize that contemporary society is one that alienates, ostracizes and ultimately breaks humans stemming from all classes of the social stratosphere.

Though made up of various stories, Abandon the Old in Tokyo could nevertheless be seen as a fluid nightmare. Composed mainly of male protagonists, these stories continuously illustrate that the modern 'man' is one that is rudderless.

Factory employees, window washers, garbage collectors, sewer cleaners... All of them typically seen as 'blue collar' jobs, all of them, in tatsumi's world, daydreamers of a sort... All of them lost in a cosmic joke.

These stories ring as true today as they did when they were first written. Recommended.