A review by porshamcbee
Disasters in Dating by Danielle Allen


Dating is viewed as fun for some and daunting for others. If you are up in age and have not been a part of the dating scene for a super long time, I am talking double digit number, I believe dating will fall on the daunting end of the spectrum. For Desiree, entering the dating game proved to be disastrous, ESPECIALLY in the beginning. Desi has a group of girlfriends that is along on the ride with her and they give her some advice on how to get the most out of her dating experience. Some of Desi’s dates are hilarious and others are downright appalling. She finally narrows her options down to 2 men and now we have to see which one she will choose…or shall I say which one we will choose? Since, Ms. Allen created the series for us (the readers) to choose our own adventure and pick who Desi will be with. The options are Charles, a firefighter who hasn’t explicitly stated that he wants a relationship but who gives Desi butterflies and Miles, a music artist who makes it abundantly clear that he wants Desi. Who would you choose?