A review by boipoka
My Dad Wrote a Porno: The fully annotated edition of Rocky Flintstone's Belinda Blinked by Jamie Morton, James Cooper, Alice Levine, Rocky Flintstone


Personally, I loved the book - it ticked all the right boxes and was exactly what I expected! It was hilarious, laugh out loud funny. The scribbling from the 3 podcasters, the "author's notes" which really raised more questions than they answered, the fun filled activities, the apparently serious reading club discussions and character studies - everything accentuated the hilarious nature of this 'novel'. Even the quiz at the end made me chuckle. It was the complete MDWAP package!

But, I am already a huge fan of the podcast. If I wasn't, I am not sure I would have liked the book. The presentation really isn't suited to someone who doesn't know about the podcast - the scribbling make it hard to read, and some jokes are funny only because my inner voice read them in the podcast tone.

For example, my favorite quote/comment that from this book - at some point Rocky describes someone admiring Belinda's swaying ass. Now wiggling your ass is legitimately supposed to be erotic. But there was a comment on this line, which I read in Alice Levine's dry, deadpan voice (the one which always fools you into thinking she has a serious point to make) - "Anyone else thinking of camels here?". I laughed out loud, literally. And I haven't stopped chuckling hours later. And yet, if it wasn't for (imaginary) Alice's delivery, I wouldn't have found this comment funny at all - thought of it as needlessly pedantic.

So if you love the podcast, you'll love the book. If you haven't heard the podcast, don't read the book. Go listen to it first. You'll enjoy the book a whole lot more. If you didn't like the podcast? Why are you here again? Oh, to read a book that can inspire shagging? Wrong place bruh.

PS - On a more serious note, probably more serious than this book deserves - Rocky Flintstone blew me away with the sheer progressive nature of his opinions. I mean this is a 60+ year old grandpa - yet in his imaginary world, pansexuality is the norm, women enjoying sex with multiple partners no less is nothing to be commented about, all sorts of kinks are welcome (leather kink maybe a little more than others), and men of all body types are treated more or less equal (and if you have heard the latest season of the podcast, Mistress SweetJuice has the kind of female body we could do with seeing a bit more in eroticas). So if he is anywhere as liberal in his real life, hats off to him. And Jamie? You are lucky to have such a father.

Read for the challenge prompts -
PopSugar Reading Challenge - A debut novel (well, it was the debut novel for all the named authors, so *shrug* Doesn't say has to be a good debut)
Around the Year in 52 Books - 4 books inspired by the wedding rhyme: Book #2 Something New (I bought a brand new copy, not to mention the idea of a novel "annotated" in the way this book is, is pretty novel)