A review by inthelunaseas
Bring the Jubilee by Ward Moore


I enjoyed the premise- an alternate history where the world was more or less completely altered with the American Civil War where the south won. This one point is what got me interested in reading the book. I like alternate histories, and I thought this one would be quite good. Unfortunately, I found the first two thirds of the story to be unbelievably drab and it took me a while to really get through it. When the last third did come about, it went by so quickly that I felt as though I'd been done over. I couldn't believe that it was just over, and that was that.

I think I partly couldn't get into Moore's writing. I wanted to, and there was nothing wrong with the writing, I just didn't find it agreeable. There was also the character of Barbara. Good grief, I found her to be one of the most annoying characters I have ever read. Every page she was on was like nails on a chalkboard. I guess she was meant to have some kind of damaged, broken past, but she drove me up the wall. In a way, most of the characters in the book were like that- gratingly irritating with just a touch of nausea.

But hey, if this book floats your boat, good for you.