A review by yeahdeadslow
Dreams of Significant Girls by Cristina García


Apparently the 'dreams of significant girls' don't involve much more than boys and sex. Okay, maybe that's a bit harsh - the girls did have passions that later developed into careers but those took backseat and I feel more space than necessary was devoted to the girls' amours. My inner feminist made her presence known, making grumbling noises practically the entire time I was reading. (And it takes a lot to get my inner feminist up and running. She's buried pretty deep down.)

It's a shame, really. The concept sounds great (I have a penchant for boarding school stories). But well, note the complaints listed above and also, the three girls never became friends of mine. Meaning, they never developed into empathetic characters that I felt a compulsive desire to read about; they didn't develop much at all.
I guess [b:Bloomability|742272|Bloomability|Sharon Creech|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1177914197s/742272.jpg|1952589] will have to remain my lone favourite Swiss boarding school story for now.