A review by obtuseblues
The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman


ok this ended up being tough for me to get through in a serious way. so many times throughout this book i wanted to abandon it but i was too stubborn and thought i should keep going since i got past 77 pages. sometimes i wanted to pull my hair out from being bored while reading this but i can't hate on donald honestly. this is organizational/workplace psychology. he wrote very clearly and spelled everything out, revisiting concepts so they would stick. will say, some of this did feel like extraneous material because i felt like he was making similar points over and over again but it's fine. i did really like how he didn't assume anything which makes this a very accessible book. additionally, i thought it really was an interesting premise about blaming the design rather than people when it is difficult to understand and operate machines and appliances. about 3/4ths in i started to really like this book because donald started talking about the very human-ness of it all which is what i always love.