A review by felinity
Blizzard by H. W. Buzz Bernard


What would happen if a major snowstorm hit the South? What would be the impact on transit, on the world's busiest airport, or on rural communities? Unfortunately "Blizzard" touches on them, but that's not the focus of the story - a desperate run by a desperate man takes that place (and parts of this stretched my credulity past breaking point).

Weather geeks may enjoy the discussions of the many variables of weather forecasting and the strengths of certain models. I've seen some of this information before, in other weatherman blogs and sites, but it's rare to see detailed information in mainstream media, and that's part of the appeal. Tom's conflict with Sophie reflects this: which is better, to be safe and accurate or to get the headlines and warn people but potentially fearmonger?

The character of Al is a bit too crude for my liking - I cringed in almost every conversation - and generally there was too much bad language for me to really enjoy it (this combination dropped my rating by a star) but I laughed when I read the description of eclectic Southern winter attire - it's so true!

So all in all, I'd treat this as a beach/airport read: somewhat disposable, but meatier than most.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.