A review by thenia
Forged in Ash by Trish McCallan


Marcus “Cosky” Simcosky was injured during the events of the previous book and the diagnosis isn't good. Doctors tell him that he'll be lucky to be able to walk, will definitely have a limp and will never rejoin his SEAL team. Desperate, he's even willing to try something he doesn't believe in, Kait Winchester's healing gift.

Kait is his friend's sister and off limits, no matter the intense chemistry between them and the years he's wanted her. During the healing session, things become heated between them and take a turn neither expected.

To his surprise, the healing also seems to have made a difference and he'll need to get in shape quickly, since their enemies are acting against their team and they have no one to rely on but each other.

Fast paced with a very well suited couple that has its own share of obstacles to overcome, including Cosky's determination to protect any woman from the worry and possible grief of a SEAL wife.

Next comes novella [b:Bound by Seduction|24352358|Bound by Seduction (Red-Hot SEALs, #2.5; Bound By, #1)|Trish McCallan|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1421621968s/24352358.jpg|43933890] and Kait's brother Aiden's story.

Previous book reviews:
Forged in Fire (Red-Hot SEALs #1) ~ ★★★ (31/03/2016)