A review by yvo_about_books
Spring at Lavender Bay by Sarah Bennett


Finished reading: October 12th 2021

“He was a builder. Time to lay the foundations of what might be a promising future.”


My first introduction to the work of this author with the Bluebell Castle books earlier this year was a big success, and I've been looking forward to try more of her series. I decided to start with the Lavender Bay books for no particular reason... Hoping to read the first two books in time to be able to add book three to my Christmas TBR. This series once again includes three different stories focusing on three friends, and in the first book Spring At Lavender Bay it's all about Beth (and Sam). I have to say that while it was a nice enough read, I did feel that some of the charm of the Bluebell Castle books was missing. I think this has mostly to do with the fact that I struggled to warm up to Beth herself. There was just something about her that irked me considerably, and it's not just the fact that she lets people walk all over her. Thankfully we had Sam's POV too, who was a lot easier to warm up to. I also really liked the setting itself as the beach town and its shops sounded wonderful. The plot itself is nothing too exciting and mostly focused on the attraction and budding relationship between the two main characters... And as I wasn't a really fan of half of that duo during a long time, I sometimes struggled to say invested. That said, I liked her friends (and especially Libby) a lot better, so I do have hopes for the other two books of the series.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.