A review by nikkiethereader
Mean Little People by Paige Dearth


All Tony has wanted was to be loved and accepted by people. From the time he was born, he has been rejected by everybody but his mother. He's bullied constantly until the third grade where he finally takes matters into his own hands since he sees that nobody will help him. His life remains rough and he falls on more and more bad luck every time he turns around, but he somehow manages to overcome it all.

Before I say how I feel about this book, I want to state very clearly that this is a very heavy book. People who don't like to read about a lot of violence and other aspects should not read this book. It definitely covers a lot of things that some people find very hard to swallow.

That being said, I really did enjoy this book. My heart went out to poor Tony every step of the way. I love how the whole story took place through his growing up. I felt like I was literally watching this poor kid grow up and all I wanted to do was step into the pages and comfort and protect him and watch the man he grew up to be. It was emotionally wrenching, but worth every page turn.

There are some issues in this book that I had a huge problem swallowing, but in order to air them out, I'd have to throw in big spoilers. I don't believe in throwing spoilers in reviews, so I'm going to leave it alone. It's nothing against the book itself. I didn't really find many (if any) issues with it. I may have to do a blog later about the social situations that I found I couldn't wrap my head around.

All in all, I still recommend this book. I fully advise that this book be taken with caution if the person is sensitive to heavy subjects. If the person is okay reading a book with some very heavy and sensitive subjects, I do warn that it is very emotionally gut wrenching. They will be on the edge of their seats through the whole journey. I was so close to tears when I finished the book. I can't even describe it.