A review by readwithchey
Broken Prince, by Erin Watt


My instincts had screamed at me that she was trouble. My instincts were wrong. She wasn’t trouble. I was. Still am.

Guys. I LOVE this series. This series embodies all that I love about the NA Romance genre and then some. Yes, it’s classified on the back as YA Fiction but I think this is way off the mark and will be listing it as NA Romance. Sorry not sorry.

Warning: this is probably going to be one long fangirl rant but I can’t help myself.

So this book picks up directly where Paper Princess leaves off, which I love, and it packed just as much drama, romance, and angst as I wanted. One of the biggest differences in this book compared to the first is that Reed gets his own POV here. Romance books with alternating POVs are my favorite because I love reading through the eyes of the male protagonist, there’s something so sexy about seeing this relationship blossom through the eyes of the male character. I didn’t realize how much I wanted Reed’s POV in the first book until I read this one. I think this is what pushed this book just a little bit past it’s predecessor and makes Broken Prince better than the first.

I’m well aware that this book is heavy on the drama and there are a lot of scenes (specifically those at the high school) that are completely improbable, but it makes me love it all that much more. If you can describe a book as ridiculous, crazy, or overly dramatic then you can definitely count me in. I mean, we read to entertain and escape, so what better than this sexy, angsty, overly dramatic gem of a book? The plot twists in this one is insane, and the ending of the book had me screaming the same way that Paper Princess did. There was a major cliff hanger ending, but lucky for me I had the third book on my shelf already. Which I’m super glad about because there are a lot of things that are left open at the end of this book.

I absolutely love all the characters in this series. The boys are so funny, tough, and swoon worthy. Ella is witty, brave, and down to earth. Val is someone I want as my best friend. I love to hate Brooke and Dinah, like these women are those villains that you just can’t help but love when they come around and start problems. Not to mention all the smaller characters that help to make up this complex and intriguing world.

There wasn’t a single moment during this book where I was bored. I was constantly flipping pages every spare moment I had and spent my entire weekend mini vacation obsessing over this book. The plot carries over so well from the first book, it doesn’t miss a beat, and it makes it so easy to get back into the swing of things. I was worried that I wouldn’t remember a lot of what happened during the previous book, but picking this up was like coming home. I seriously can’t express how much I love this book series. If you like NA Romance and haven’t picked these up yet then you are seriously missing out!

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