A review by pandemoniumpizza
Accused by Kate Kaynak


Accused, being the fourth book in the Ganzfield series, is definitely the most emotional. There were moments of great sadness, awwww moments, and moments of joy, frustration and anger. Yep, Accused was definitely an emotional minefield. The beginning of the book had me going from happy to scared to sick to hopeful so fast. Needless to say, with Accused Kate Kaynak had my emotions flaring and I loved every minute of it.
From the absolute beginning of the book I was hooked. There was so much going on and I just really wanted things to turn out for the best. There were so many events in Accused, none of them I want to mention because they would definitely be spoilers, but they were all really awesome in their own ways an each event just adds a little bit to the book and makes it that much more great.
With every book I read in the series I’m getting more and more scared to continue reading, mostly because I’m scared that something big is going to happen and that one of my favourite characters is going to get hurt or killed, or someone is going to break up with someone. Yet I know I will continue to read the series to the very end because I absolutely must know what happens next. I just have to know.
When I started the Ganzfield series I wasn’t a fan of Trevor but now after four books, I am really starting to find he’s growing on me. I mean he still does things that annoy me from time to time but I wouldn’t want him any other way, because he’s Trevor and he is a pretty cool guy.
Things have definitely taken an interesting turn in Accused. I’m not so sure what to make of it to be honest. However, I know that I am definitely intrigued and Kate has piqued my interest as to what is going to happen in the next book and in fact, the rest of the series. I’m really hoping that certain things work themselves out.
Overall, I absolutely loved Accused and I am so annoyed that I have to wait for ages to read the next book. The Ganzfield series is just a truly amazing series and I am constantly blown away by the depth and creativity that Kate Kaynak adds in each book. Definitely worth a read!