A review by bargainandbooks
All of a Sudden and Forever: Help and Healing After the Oklahoma City Bombing by Chris Barton


I was 9 years old when the Oklahoma bombing happened. I can still feel the understanding for the first time in my life that true evil existed. This was the first awful event I can recall. I can still remember the empty feeling in my stomach and the pain in my heart. That realization changes us all, this was mine.

This book is a beautiful tribute to an awful day in America’s history. The bombing did not discriminate. Children as well as adults were lost. Families were broken. Lovers were left mourning. I loved how during the embers of this tragedy Hope was found. The survivors tree... was something I was unaware of. The idea of the saplings of this tree standing charred at the site of this horrendous tragedy growing and bringing life and hope is such a beaut like idea.

The images are simple. Beautiful. Haunting. They fit so well with the heavy story they help weave.

While I read this Garth Brooks-The Change played in my brain and I was moved to tears again.