A review by jenniferntremblay
Flick by Abigail Tarttelin


I received an ARC copy of the novel Flick by Abigail Tarttelin through a Goodreads Giveaway.

I'm going to begin by saying that Flick was really well written. I laughed and enjoyed Flick's inner dialogue when he wasn’t focusing on Rainbow. The author has done a fantastic job of making you think that you are in the mind of a 15-year-old boy.

I had held on to some hope for our main character Flick. He’s smart, and I thought that he was beginning to really care about what he was going to do with his life. But (spoiler alert) he doesn’t end up achieving much more than his self-induced drug overdose.

Now, I am aware that I am a major sucker for the resolve. And by saying resolve, I mean for the “happy” ending in a novel. But there was no happy ending, no real resolve. I will admit, Flick won’t be forced into stashing and selling drugs anymore, so that's kind of a resolve. But for me, it wasn’t enough. In the end, Flick wasn’t trying to get out of town or go to school in order to get into politics, which is what he wanted. The boy even lost the love of his life, and it feels like he didn’t try to keep her in the end.

I was just a little disappointed with the way that things had turned out for the main character.