A review by softstarrynights
The Adventures of Indiana Jones by Campbell Black, James Kahn, Rob MacGregor


The Adventures of Indiana Jones is a bind-up of the novelisations of the original film trilogy. Novelisations are not for everyone, but I quite enjoy them and after watching the films earlier this year I decided to pick this up. Sometimes these books can really add to the film experience, and I find myself returning to certain parts again and again. Overall these novelisations are pretty basic and you can tell that the authors have not been given much artistic licence. However, if you enjoy the films it's almost impossible not to get a kick out of these books. One thing that I absolutely hated was the way Indy's inner monologue was written in relation to Marian, the romantic interest in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. He has fixation with how young she was when they first met, and that emphasis on her young age made for some uncomfortable reading. If these parts could have been deleated the romance was very sweet in the way that he would melt in her presence. Unfortunately, I ended up reading that romance with a bad taste in my mouth. Since I've spoken about my least favourite part, I would also like to mention my favourite part which was the mind-control section in Temple of Doom. Written by James Khan these section from Indy's point-of-view were had layers to them that were interesting to peel back. Overall these books do what you expect them to do and are fun but they're not quite as elevated as they could have been.