A review by rouver
Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka Vol. 2 by Greg Rucka


This Wonder Woman is the sequel to [b:Wonder Woman By Greg Rucka Vol. 1|27405492|Wonder Woman By Greg Rucka Vol. 1|Greg Rucka|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1468240163l/27405492._SY75_.jpg|47452848] and unlike the other Wonder Woman book I just read, makes sense in relation to the previous volume. That's not to say it doesn't have problems, but at least the story & characters were consistent. Not likable, not always logical, but sure...consistent.

But the reason this book lost a star? The illustrations. Let me show you a few.

First, the horse on the cover. I love horses. That thing was a weird chimera of horse, bird, and fish.

Bowfin for comparison:

Lets see if the artists understand the human female body:

I'd put that at a "no." Or Wonder Woman has had her spine broken.

That is absolutely a broken neck, at the least

You're drawing an undead skeleton-head Medusa. Should that stop you from giving her a hot bod & big boobs? Ha. Wait...what is *happening* with those boobs, anyway?

Illogical furry boobs? Check! Torso not connected to legs? Checkity-check!

Is...is she....POOPING OUT HER TAIL?

Boobs don't look like that unless you've had some work done. And dear god, what is happening with her bicep? Was she playing Monkey Bump?

(monkey bump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjOsEhe2r3w)

That time you corseted so hard your guts moved your boobs up to your clavicle

Or you were in such a hurry you forgot to put a shirt on under your leather blacksmith apron?

What is happening with her upper torso?

What do female evil villains do when they get together? Bitch about makeup, of course

Let's cover all our bases on misogyny: remember, even 9 yr olds get to weigh in on how hot you are. Plus, dirt on girls=ugly!
Hahaha! Girls are yucky!!

Women don't really have nipples

Wonder Woman's trademark snake spine:

No bones about it, this is a terrible drawing (Get it? "No bones"? Because it looks like she doesn't have any?) Hahahaha!

Imagine, if you will, a Superman comic where he saves suicide jumpers. On the cover, they decide to show him being cradled by the woman he's saving, as he falls helplessly in her arms. Oh, what...that's ludicrous? Then why is it ok here? Also, don't forget to make sure you can see both ass cheeks, even if that's not how bodies work. ...and a broken spine. Wonder Woman just managed to regrow those bones & not all of them are in the right place

I saved the worst for last. Those boobs! That ass! That SPINE!! You know, I've seen girls mocked for not being able to draw a bicycle, but no one pays them to put their monstrosities in comics and be praised for their work.