A review by sc104906
The Phantom Tower by Keir Graff


I received this from Edelweiss as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Twin Colm and Mal (Mal.Colm) and their mother are moving to an apartment in downtown Chicago. Their living space comes as a part of the position their mother has taken a a local college. Their new home is weird. It is old and creepy, with decrepit doorman and a multitude of vacant units. Their apartment comes fully furnished, leading the twins to ask questions about previous and current occupants. Since their mother has started work and the boys are off for summer, they use the daytime to explore the building and meet their strange neighbors. However, the strangest thing is that the number 13 appears as an elevator button for one hour every day. The boys must find out the mystery of their new home. 

This was a cute mystery, complete with friendly/not-so-friendly ghosts, eccentric neighbors, and dastardly old men. This book was weird, but weird in a way that I can see young boys responding to. The scary bits of the story were tame, making it easier to give it to a young audience.