A review by siobhan27
Poisoned Apples: Poems for You, My Pretty, by Christine Heppermann


really do not know where to start with this book because I loved it so much and I really do not want to ruin the experience for anyone else. I am usually not one to gravitate toward poetry of any kind, but when I saw that this one had a small page count and was related to fairy tales, I knew i had to know what it was all about. What I did not expect was to fall so hard for this author and the way that she writes.

These poems are about women and girls and what it is like to grow up in our world. It can be hard and there are thousands of ways that we get pressured by society, family and friends to look, act and say things in a certain way. And these poems do that by attaching themselves to fairy tale characters that most girls have either read or seen in movies. I think I loved this correlation because it made so much sense to me. Of course these characters from our favorite books and movies would have had pressures on them and it was that link that made me stop and think about what I was reading. These poems are not just wining girls talking about how much the world sucks, they are talking about real issues that face girls in our society today and honestly when I was reading I felt myself getting emotional because no girl deserves to think less of herself because someone else thinks she can be better.

I honestly cannot say better things about this book. I know many people will shy away from it because it is solid poetry but this book has an amazing message and i think it should be read by all because even if you don't like the way its written, the meaning behind it is still incredibly important.